It looks like you just joined this group and maybe you would have benefited from joining earlier. The requirements for applying for the DTV vary by embassy/consulate. Many/most in Europe and a few others only allow residents to apply, while those in the neighboring countries around Thailand allow almost all to apply (there is a list of countries that receive much more extensive vetting, and not sure how it can take place in 30 days on a tourist visa in a neighboring country). You also seem to misunderstand the difference between residency and living somewhere. This is a topic raised with the DTV, you can live in Thailand for 5 years, but still not a resident. Need the correct paperwork. When you say you were “approved for an interview” that means they actually had a concern. 99% of applicants don’t receive an interview. There was a red flag with your first application. You also highlight you understood the guidance, but the Huage guidance is also clear that you can’t leave the county and you did. So that too is on you. Not sure what you mean when you say you have escalated to Thai immigration as immigration is a different government agency than ministry of foreign affairs. All I see is someone not doing the appropriate research and blaming everyone but themselves
Anonymous participant 156 unfortunately, medical certificate isn’t enough. You need a list of doctor appointments and the purpose of each one. It isn’t an easy process. I am supposed to see 3-6 different doctors every month at Bumrungrad and I couldn’t get correct paperwork to go that route.
Anonymous participant - It is clear that the officer didn’t realize you had a visa. Since the majority of people who arrive at the airport arrive visa exempt, it is understandable why he/she thought this. It is always best to inform them up front that you have it. If he/she didn’t have issue with you entering too much, they probably would have given you a 60 day visa exempt stamp. Hopefully you would have seen it and not left the airport with it.