Hello I'd really appreciate some advice on Visa options please
I have been teaching at a school in Mahasarakham the past couple of years so on an a NonB visa with work permit
Me and my partner (Thai national) had planned to get married around March time this year and we had hoped to travel to England together for the summer, but becuase of Covid we have had to put these plans on hold
With schools being mainly online teaching all this year I've been feeling pretty burntout and I've already notified my agency I won't be renewing my contract, so this current contract will end October 15th and my Visa will end November 20th
I'm wondering if I am able to switch to a 60 day tourist visa in country form a NonB visa and then I could extend this for another 30 days?
The other option is that we could do the marriage registration early and do the ceromony later next year but I'd rather have more time on this, plus I won't be able to travel to Bangkok until at least my teaching contract ends to get the affidavit and passport transalation etc so I think it will be a rush to get everthing ready to obtain the marriage visa in this time
Thanks in advance I've always found this page very helpful in the past!