the best way to go about it is to have your school explicitly tell you what they need (specifically how much time they need or what visa/stamp you need to be on).
When you know this information you will know exactly what you need to do and then we can help find the best solution.
did ask you the right question. Are you sure they can’t work with 45 day exempt stamp? (Border bounce)
If that’s the case, and you confirm that, then whether you bounce to Malaysia from Samui or CM to Laos it will be the same stamp just depends what’s most convenient for you.
if you “border bounce” (terms are very important here because people love to nit-pick) you will get 45 days (before March 31) or if you do a visa run you will get 60. The visa run will require a consulate visit which could mean a few days depending where you go to process.
From what it sounds like with your education visa it’s important for the school to tell you what their requirements are. If they just need time to process everything then 45 days will be enough.
If they need to get the ed visa approved and have you enter on that it will require another trip.
If there is anything I can recommend is to have them tell you what they need and do what they say. If you have to bounce and then re-enter on the visa do it. If they can process it while you’re here but need days left, it saves you an extra trip.
Long story short they know what they need, or at least know how many days they need.
is right Singapore is faster but 22k each way (I did it in January) and Cambodia is a nice balance of affordable and not hours in a van.
Sorry so many old timers made it so difficult to get decent information on here for you. It’s a way for them to feel relevant in their last years of life.
You’ll get a visa either way, and even if the option you choose is not the most efficient you’ll learn for next time. Good luck!
it looks (maybe I’m wrong) for a way for you to proclaim how smart you are and how stupid she is.
Of course we know she probably means bounce but you say no such thing. Why not phrase it like that?
She is talking about land travel time for a visa run from samui or CM. Where is your answer? Is that your thing? It literally says what she wants in her question and I’m “putting people down” by highlighting she told you what she wants.
you didn’t request clarification the OP literally, explicitly stated what she wanted. You’re quick to mention putting people down, but she told you exactly what she wanted.
setting that aside is your professional opinion that the travel time from CM bounce is quicker than Samui? You see knowledgeable let’s get this straight also.