Yeah, I am not sure why I don't have to pay tax. That's why I find it really hard to justify that I must pay significant amout of tax to the government if I move. If I remain where I am, no tax at all.
Trust me, it is not simple for some people. I have already been rejected twice for not very fair reasons. The fact that you have to apply the visa outside of the country is what makes it really inconvinient for me and probably most of the people.
Anonymous participant 145 I am not very used to the idea of contributing by paying your salary to the government. If I am making money in that country, sure, I will be happy to. Just for breathing, not so much of a big fan. If it's small amount, still ok, but it's more than the rent itself. So, absolutely not ok for me.
The visa itself may not bring that much money to the country. But, I was thinking the government strategy is to help their country's develop in some other ways. Since a lot of digital nomands will be living in the country, they have to spend money on things like rent, food and all about spending money and never earning anything. That should help the country in a lot of ways? Just my opinion though.
Yeah, I won't like it if this is true. But, for now, it seems like nothing is so accurate and there is no clear law about the tax for DTV holders. That's why I am asking.