please correct me if I’m wrong but I did a little research before getting the extension and it seemed the usual bus border run services don’t work for the dtv? Meaning you need to fly out and back in again. Making the whole process considerably more expensive than getting the extension.
said its just like any other visa extension so you dont need to leave the country on the date originally stamped in your passport.
it is essentially resubmitting the same documents you used to apply for the dtv. however i was just letting people know you may need to provide a lot more proof of what you do to make your money if you're an online worker. in my original application, I was able to simply write in a cover letter what i did, give a web address and an instagram account. but to get the extension, that wasn't enough, they wanted more proof.
a follow-up to this post. i got my 180 day extension yesterday using the documents listed here. thank you to the op.
everything was fine. the one thing i will say is, for online workers make sure you take extra evidence of what you do online and how you make your money. showing a bank statement, giving a web address, and even explaining it in a letter may not be enough. they asked me to take screenshots of my website explaining what i do and what i sell, and screenshots of my instagram, and because im an online coach, they wanted screenshots of communication with clients to prove i do in fact work with people.
they werent being difficult. they just wanted more information.
so when you go for your extension, there is no such thing as too much proof.
i understand that. i am the digital nomad who doesnt want to bounce in and out. but what im asking is, what to put on the tm7 form? i cant think of a reason for the extension, other than i dont want to bounce in and out.
What are any suggested/recommended reasons for the extension for the tm7 form? Not wanting to waste money flying in and out doesn’t seem like the correct answer