Thanks for adding me!
I arrived on March 9th on a 6-months METV (multi entry tourist visa).
I was supposed to leave Thailand for my first 60-days "check-out /-in" around this time, but this is not doable at the time..
Some time back I was told I was covered by a VISA amnesty and did not need the the 60 days re-entry rules. But today I was told the amnesty does not cover my kind of VISA. I have searched both the internet and this FB-group and find conflicting information (see added pic..)
Can anyone please help me out with the correct status?:
1: Do I need to visit Thai Immigration to extend my stay, since I cannot leave the country after my first 60 days?
2: ..or am I covered by the amnesty and can stay without doing anything (visiting Chaeng Wattana or do border runs) until July 31st?
3: My VISA is valid until early September. Can I leave on July 31st and check back in to get the remaining month++ on my VISA?
4: (related to Q.3) If borders re-open before the end of the amnesty, can I/must I leave Thailand to "validate" my VISA? My aim is to stay until the end of the VISA-period (early September)
Thank you so much for this group! and THANKS again for any useful, trustworthy information regarding my situation.
Stay safe!