EXTIX Premium Cannabis Dispensary & Weed Shop - Kata Beach

更新于 Apr 1st, 2024
Cannabis Cafe (Art for All)

探索EXTIX Premium Cannabis Dispensary & Weed Shop - Kata Beach ,泰国Phuket的顶级大麻药房。浏览菌株、比较价格、阅读评论并查找联系信息。或者探索超过 5,500 家其他大麻商店。

\\\"Elevate your cannabis experience at Phuket Premium Cannabis Store.\\\" Our licensed dispensary offers a carefully curated selection of the highest quality products for your peace of mind. Our dedicated budtenders are ready to assist you with expert knowledge and personalized recommendations. Come visit us and discover why we're the premier destination for cannabis enthusiasts.



25% THC - 90% SATIVA - 10% INDICA
“增强创造力和兴奋” 达芬奇蛋糕的感觉 效果:充满活力| 快乐| 敏感| 有创造力的 气味:黄油| 柑橘| 伍迪 质量:优质上架 ------- Da Vinci Cake是一种真正符合其名称的混合体。 凭借沉重的壁式属性,它可以立即提高能量和创造力,使您感到启发,以解决想到的任何项目或想法。 就像著名的艺术家兼发明家莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)一样,这种压力将增强您的创造力和热情,提供充满活力,快乐和高昂的高度,这会让您觉得自己可以完成任何事情。 无论您是艺术家,作家,音乐家还是发明家,Da Vinci Cake都将是您释放内心天才的理想伴侣。
24% THC - 75% SATIVA - 25% INDICA
“点燃您的想象力并感到振奋” 牛顿的柠檬味 效果:充满活力| 欣快| 创意| 振奋 气味:柴油| 柠檬| 辛辣 质量:优质上架 ------- 牛顿的柠檬是头带和柠檬树之间的十字架。 牛顿的柠檬菌株是一种以壁式为主的混合动力车,以其高的THC含量和能够提供充满活力和欣喜的身体而不会蒙上头脑而闻名。 这个大脑高的人可以打开创造力的大门,就像伟大的艾萨克·牛顿爵士本人一样,他以其创造性的思维方式而闻名。
Extix Runtz
22% THC - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
"Carefree and Joyful as a Kid in a Playground" EXTIX RUNTZ SENSATIONS EFFECT: Relaxed | Calm | Happy SCENT: Creamy | Sweet | Lemon QUALITY: Premium Top-shelf ----- EXTIX RUNTZ is hybrid marijuana strain with creamy, sweet and lemon overtones. A genetic cross of White Runtz and Lemon Tree. EXTIX RUNTZ takes you on a sensory journey. The long-lasting effects of EXTIX RUNTZ are truly unique, relaxing and calming your mind while making you feel happy and carefree like a kid in a playground. This strain is not only a treat for the senses, but it also provides a euphoric and joyful experience, making it ideal for those looking to unwind and let loose."​
27% THC - 20% SATIVA - 80% INDICA
“一种不专心的幸福感和深度睡眠的感觉” Aurora Kush的感觉 效果:困倦| 放松| 快乐的 气味:柠檬| 臭鼬| 柴油机 质量:优质上架 ------- Aurora Kush是任何希望睡眠深层睡眠的人的终极芽。 这种含义为主导的杂种应变是传奇的纯库什和柠檬树之间交叉的结果。 Aurora Kush将带领您进入一个真正放松的领域,其独特的风味和香气,其中包括柠檬,臭鼬和柴油底色。 高高将使您在沙发,床,地板或其他任何视线中伸展,准备像Aurora一样睡觉,这是经典的《睡美人》故事中的公主。 Aurora Kush可以帮助您告别消极或赛车思想,并欢迎一种不适当的幸福感。 对于那些漫长的一天希望放松身心的人来说,这种压力是理想的选择。
23% THC - 49% SATIVA - 51% INDICA
“进入音乐和良好的共鸣” 情绪建设者的感觉 效果:快乐| 放松| 饥饿的 气味:柠檬| 果冻| 柑橘 质量:优质上架 ------- 情绪建筑商是一种混合大麻菌株,专门设计用于提升您的情绪并脱颖而出。 情绪建筑商由Crossing Block Builder和Lemon树创造,产生了一个快乐的脑嗡嗡声,可以沉降到体内,可轻松凉爽。 菌株的加权放松可以帮助减轻压力并为身体准备休息,这是那些在漫长的一天后放松身心的人的理想选择。 菌株的风味和香气由柠檬和果冻和果冻和果冻和微妙的柑橘味。 众所周知,食用情绪建筑商也会增加食欲,这对于希望在放松时享用餐或饮料的任何人都非常有用。 消耗这种压力时,您可以享受以前从未见过的最美丽的颜色和光线。 对于那些想放松和听音乐,看电影或享受这一刻的人来说,这是完美的选择。 对于那些寻求轻松和令人振奋的体验的人来说,情绪建设者是一个绝佳的选择。
Honeymoon Cake
27% THC - 29% SATIVA - 71% INDICA
"Perfect for a Romantic Night" HONEYMOON CAKE SENSATIONS EFFECT: Relaxed | Aroused | Calm SCENT: Vanilla | Pepper | Citrus QUALITY: Premium Top-shelf ----- HONEYMOON CAKE, is a tantalizing hybrid strain with a balanced blend of 60% Indica and 40% Sativa. This strain is the result of crossing the iconic Wedding Cake and the Lemon Tree, resulting in a truly unique and satisfying experience. The aroma of this strain is truly divine, with hints of vanilla and pepper mingling with a citrus twist that will tantalize your senses. The effects of this strain are a perfect balance of calming and arousing, making it the perfect companion for a romantic night in. The body and mind are soothed, leaving you feeling relaxed and content. This strain is perfect for those looking for a well-rounded and enjoyable experience. You will feel wonderful when skins hipped with this strain.
24% THC - 25% SATIVA - 75% INDICA
“使聚会令人难忘” 婚礼残骸的感觉 效果:提升| 快乐| giggly | 集中 气味:香草| 黄油| 葡萄 质量:优质上架 ------- 婚礼残骸是在聚会或社交聚会上享受的完美压力。 它有效的婚礼崩溃和柠檬树菌株的十字架创造了持久的高度,这会让您感到快乐,轻巧和无忧无虑。 随着高位的进入,您将体验到幸福和动力的匆忙,并伴随着精力和专注力。 您的思想会感到清晰,留下任何负面的感觉或赛车思想。 随着高潮的发展,您会发现自己笑着和朋友度过美好的时光,这使其成为社交和度过美好时光的完美压力。 对于婚礼残骸,您一定会在下一个聚会或聚会上大放异彩。 婚礼残骸可帮助您专注于当下,享受与自己所爱的人的联盟庆祝活动,并使聚会成为难忘的经历。
2% THC - 65% SATIVA - 35% INDICA
“幸福的放松与和平的睡眠” 拖拉爸爸的感觉 效果:放松| 快乐| 困 气味:葡萄| 贝里| 柑橘 质量:优质上架 ------- Drag Daddy是一种Indica混合大麻菌株,是大爸爸紫色和柠檬树之间的十字架。 这种菌株具有从其大爸爸紫色父母继承的葡萄和浆果的复杂香气,并从其柠檬树父母那里获得了柑橘香气。 它的超大芽充满了有效的效果,在您的身心中都可以清楚地检测到。 食用爸爸后,您会体验到脑幸福和身体放松的融合。 您的想法会浮现在梦幻般的嗡嗡声中,而您的身体会感到沉重和放松。 身体高会很紧张,并会使一切都感到缓慢而放松,这使其成为漫长的一天后放松身心的理想压力,或者准备好睡个好觉。 对于那些想要放松和放松的人来说,爸爸是一个很大的压力。 它的有效效果将提供一种平静和宁静的感觉,使其成为漫长的一天结束的理想选择。 凭借其强大的镇静作用,您将准备好立即进入和平的睡眠。 非常适合那些想以缓慢而和平的方式放松和放松的人。
24% THC - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
“懒惰下午的甜蜜享受” 金星冰淇淋感 效果:放松| 饥饿| 欣快 气味:香草| 黄油| 浆果 质量:优质上架 ------- 金星冰淇淋是一种混合菌株,它会让您感觉像神话的神灵,闲逛和沉迷于一勺冰淇淋冰淇淋。 这种美味的甜食吸烟是冰淇淋蛋糕冰淇淋和柠檬树之间的十字架的结果,高分含THC含量为26%。 主要的萜烯使菌株具有甜美的香草香气,并带有黄油和浆果的味道,使其成为感官的美味佳肴。 这种菌株的作用包括轻松,欣快和沉重的身体,这会让您感到镇定和寒冷。 它的饥饿感效果使其非常适合度过一个懒惰的下午度过闲逛和沉迷于您喜欢的小吃。
22% THC - 35% SATIVA - 65% INDICA
“很高兴度过一天” Unkle Stak-47感觉 效果:放松| 集中| 快乐的 气味:果味| 草莓| 樱桃 质量:优质上架 ------- Unkle Stak-47是草莓Akeil和未命名的Lodal Thai菌株之间的十字架。 Unkle Stak-47在草莓和樱桃之间具有深层果味香气和功率打孔风味。 高高是能量和放松之间的对比度。 使您能够保持每天的任务。 您将很高兴能以持久的充满活力的高潮来度过自己的一天。
29% THC - 40% SATIVA - 60% INDICA
“史诗般的旅程” 女童子军饼干的感觉 效果:咯咯笑| 健谈| 咀嚼 气味:薄荷| 甜| 泼辣 质量:优质上架 ------- 女童子军饼干,应变是一种出色的体验,可带您欣赏欣喜,谈话和午餐的史诗般的旅程。 这种菌株迅速而坚硬,使您感觉像是傻瓜背包的领导者,引起了其他任何菌株无与伦比的笑声。 随着高潮的发展,您会注意到说话的增加,从而轻松进行深入的对话或轻松的戏ter。 这种压力的充满活力的影响也使其非常适合社交聚会。 这种菌株的薄荷,甜美和刺激性的香气令人愉悦,增强了感官,使零食的时间变得更加愉快。 总而言之,如果您正在寻找一个杰出而难忘的旅程,请尝试一下女童子军饼干。
23% THC - 20% SATIVA - 80% INDICA
“沉迷于幸福的放松” 奶酪的感觉 效果:冷静| 放松| 快乐的 气味:黄油| 奶酪| 泼辣 质量:优质上架 ------- 奶酪以其独特而深刻的放松效果而闻名,非常适合沉迷于幸福的放松。 这种压力在引起平静和放松的感觉方面享有声誉,使您感到满足和放松。 奶酪菌株的快乐影响可以提供整体的幸福感。 除了其有效的效果外,奶酪菌株还具有独特的香气,可以将您带入一个感官喜悦的世界。 这种菌株的黄油,俗气和刺激性的气味既怀旧又平静,唤起了舒适和温暖的感觉。 总体而言,对于那些希望放松身心并体验深度放松的人来说,奶酪菌株是一个绝佳的选择。 它的平静效果,结合其独特的香气,可以创造出真正令人愉快的体验。 因此,如果您想沉迷于一点点幸福的放松,请尝试一下奶酪劳动。
伽利略·库什(Galileo Kush)
24% THC - 70% SATIVA - 30% INDICA
“放松宁静的灵感” 伽利略·库什(Galileo Kush)的感觉 效果:放松| 创意| 集中 气味:浆果| 泥土| 柏油 质量:优质上架 ------- 伽利略·库什(Galileo Kush)通过将黑狗和柠檬树菌株结合在一起而精心制作,提供了迷人的杂种大麻体验。 它可以协调放松,创造力,并专注于显着的压力。 沉浸在伽利略·库什(Galileo Kush)中,发现深刻的思想和身体放松。 在宁静的环境中释放您的创造力,不仅适合艺术的努力,而且适合任何重视思想和创造力的人以及漫长的一天后放松身心。 伽利略·库什(Galileo Kush)的名字来自有远见的思想家伽利略·伽利略(Galileo Galilei),他通过革命性发现重塑了我们对太阳系的理解。 同样,这种压力旨在唤起人们的心态,在这种情况下,人们可以体验到一种放松和深切的注意力,类似于伽利略沉浸在自己的思想中。 当您参加伽利略·库什(Galileo Kush)时,其效果会提高内省和心理清晰感。 随着压力的舒缓特性所具有的舒缓特性,您的思想变得容易探索新的想法和见解。 就像伽利略(Galileo)深入研究自己思想的深处,以挑战既定的信念一样,伽利略·库什(Galileo Kush)也可以激发自己内部的好奇心,启蒙和探索的类似旅程。
27% THC - 70% SATIVA - 30% INDICA
“以幸福的身体高到梦境” 柠檬贪睡感 效果:放松| 困了 唤醒 气味:柠檬| 芒果| 茶 质量:优质上架 ------- 柠檬贪睡是一种精心制作的大麻菌株,是那些寻求宁静逃脱梦想和宁静领域的人的理想伴侣。 这种出色的混合动力结合了佛罗里达库什和柠檬树的遗传学,导致90%的Indica优势混合物提供了深厚的轻松体验。 准备沉迷于柠檬贪睡的舒缓作用,因为您的身体和脑子屈服于幸福的放松状态。 随着柔和的嗜睡,张力融化,邀请您陷入恢复性沉睡中。 这种菌株是一天结束时放松身心的绝佳选择,或者从生活的压力中找到喘息的机会。 将您的感官浸入柠檬贪睡的迷人香气中。 新鲜的柠檬的愉悦气味与多汁的芒果的香气和舒缓的茶的微妙暗示混合在一起,创造了真正令人振奋的嗅觉体验。 柠檬贪睡体现了漂流到Dreamland的概念。 它包含宁静的本质,并促进了一个幸福的身体,使您更接近完全放松的状态。 让这种压力的镇定作用引导您进入梦想的宁静睡眠。


This location offers the following selection of cannabis prerolls for purchase.

Sativa - Pre-Rolled
22% THC - 35% SATIVA - 65% INDICA
Unwind with our exquisite Indica Pre-Rolled joints, meticulously made from quality buds for a fresh and green experience. Immerse yourself in the full effect of relaxation and tranquility, as these pre-rolls deliver the calming qualities of Indica in every smooth puff. Discover the epitome of indulgence and convenience with our expertly rolled Indica Pre-Rolls.
Cocktails Pre-rolled
24% THC - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
Prepare for a cannabis adventure like no other with our extraordinary Cocktails Pre-Rolled joints. This exclusive blend combines the best of 10 handpicked strains, resulting in a flavor-packed and potent experience. Each inhale reveals a fusion of quality buds, fresh and green, delivering the full effect of an enticing and personalized cannabis cocktail. Elevate your enjoyment with our meticulously crafted Cocktails Pre-Rolled joints.


This location offers the following selection of cannabis edibles for purchase.

CHAAN TEA - Relaxing Moment
1000mg CBD - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
CHAAN - BEDTIME TEA Relaxing Moment Contain: 15 Tea bags Experience the release of stress and worries with our Chaan Bedtime Tea, a series of products designed to help you unwind in every dimension of your senses. Begin your relaxation journey with our Bedtime Tea, a meticulously blended herbal infusion made from cannabis leaves and chamomile. Combining the benefits of cannabis and Hemp with a variety of exquisite flowers, we have created a deeply satisfying blend that harmonizes the soothing properties of plants, providing you with a profound and tranquil experience. Drink in the depths of relaxation and let your mind wander freely, in line with the concept of "Chaan"
CHAAN TEA - Midnight Calm
1000mg CBD - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
CHAAN - BEDTIME TEA Midnight Calm Contain: 15 Tea bags Experience the release of stress and worries with our Chaan Bedtime Tea, a series of products designed to help you unwind in every dimension of your senses. Begin your relaxation journey with our Bedtime Tea, a meticulously blended herbal infusion made from cannabis leaves and chamomile. Combining the benefits of cannabis and Hemp with a variety of exquisite flowers, we have created a deeply satisfying blend that harmonizes the soothing properties of plants, providing you with a profound and tranquil experience. Drink in the depths of relaxation and let your mind wander freely, in line with the concept of "Chaan"
CHAAN TEA - Beauty & the Bliss
1000mg CBD - 52% SATIVA - 48% INDICA
CHAAN - BEDTIME TEA Beauty & the Bliss Contain: 15 Tea bags Experience the release of stress and worries with our Chaan Bedtime Tea, a series of products designed to help you unwind in every dimension of your senses. Begin your relaxation journey with our Bedtime Tea, a meticulously blended herbal infusion made from cannabis leaves and chamomile. Combining the benefits of cannabis and Hemp with a variety of exquisite flowers, we have created a deeply satisfying blend that harmonizes the soothing properties of plants, providing you with a profound and tranquil experience. Drink in the depths of relaxation and let your mind wander freely, in line with the concept of "Chaan."
CHAAN TEA - Night's Allure
1000mg CBD - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
CHAAN - BEDTIME TEA Night's Allure Contain: 15 Tea bags Experience the release of stress and worries with our Chaan Bedtime Tea, a series of products designed to help you unwind in every dimension of your senses. Begin your relaxation journey with our Bedtime Tea, a meticulously blended herbal infusion made from cannabis leaves and chamomile. Combining the benefits of cannabis and Hemp with a variety of exquisite flowers, we have created a deeply satisfying blend that harmonizes the soothing properties of plants, providing you with a profound and tranquil experience. Drink in the depths of relaxation and let your mind wander freely, in line with the concept of "Chaan."
CHAAN TEA - Peace Bloosom
1000mg CBD - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
CHAAN - BEDTIME TEA Peace Bloosom Contain: 15 Tea bags Experience the release of stress and worries with our Chaan Bedtime Tea, a series of products designed to help you unwind in every dimension of your senses. Begin your relaxation journey with our Bedtime Tea, a meticulously blended herbal infusion made from cannabis leaves and chamomile. Combining the benefits of cannabis and Hemp with a variety of exquisite flowers, we have created a deeply satisfying blend that harmonizes the soothing properties of plants, providing you with a profound and tranquil experience. Drink in the depths of relaxation and let your mind wander freely, in line with the concept of "Chaan."
CHAAN TEA - Silent Night
1000mg CBD - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
CHAAN - BEDTIME TEA Silent Night Contain: 15 Tea bags Experience the release of stress and worries with our Chaan Bedtime Tea, a series of products designed to help you unwind in every dimension of your senses. Begin your relaxation journey with our Bedtime Tea, a meticulously blended herbal infusion made from cannabis leaves and chamomile. Combining the benefits of cannabis and Hemp with a variety of exquisite flowers, we have created a deeply satisfying blend that harmonizes the soothing properties of plants, providing you with a profound and tranquil experience. Drink in the depths of relaxation and let your mind wander freely, in line with the concept of "Chaan."
Muan Hom - Hemp Tea
300mg CBD - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
Muan Hom - Hemp Tea Hemp 90% Jasmine 10% Contain 5 Tea bags
Muan Hom - Hemp Tea : Peppermint
98mg CBD - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
Muan Hom - Hemp Tea Hemp 50% Pepper Mint 50% Contain 5 Tea bags
Muan Hom - Hemp Tea: Kaempfer
300mg THC - 50% SATIVA - 50% INDICA
Muan Hom Hemp Tea Hemp 40% Kaempfer 60% Contain 5 Tea bags


This location offers the following selection of cannabis topicals for purchase.

STIVA - Hemp Seed Oil Serum
Simply the best in deep skin protection. Giving your skin a lustrous glow and providing the luxury skin care experience that millions of people seek. A revitalizing serum derived from 100% natural ingredients, ​TIME REVERSE - Hemp seed oil & Herbal Concentrate Oil Serum allows your skin’s own natural beauty and radiance to shine through due to the natural properties of Cannabis Sativa seed oil (Hemp seed oil), nature’s own secret to strong, smooth, supple skin. The Time Reverse Serum imbues your skin with life once more, bringing back the strength and freshness it had before.


This location offers the following selection of cannabis related gear for purchase.

EXTIX Black T-Shirt
EXTIX T-Shirt Black Color Size: M | L | XL | XXL
EXTIX White T-Shirt
EXTIX T-Shirt White Color Size: M | L | XL | XXL


5.0 (37 评论)

Shithead Jay
5 star rating
last month
My first impression when i walked into the store was how professional EXTIX Premium Cannabis and they staff members are. All Extix stores are clean and wel layout. I've been to Extix at Surin Beach, and it's exactly the same vibe. Thank you, Extix, for a wonderful cannabis experience in puket. Could have not asked for a batter Cannabis experience. I sure will revisit EXTIX Premium Cannabis.
5 star rating
4 months ago
The best shot in Phuket! Girl Scout Cookies Top!!! (Original) Лучшая шишка на пхукете! Гёрл скаут кукис топ !!!
Alexander Nastevich
5 star rating
4 months ago
Very nice people and very good service! Have some presents for u 🙂
5 star rating
4 months ago
repeat customer here, i've only visited every single time i'm in this part of town. premium service and better buds yet!
jade agostini
5 star rating
4 months ago
Very cool ! I had two spins for win a little gift🥰
Tamas Orosz
5 star rating
4 months ago
As I stepped into the store i already felt it was not going to be disappointing. Funny and very friendly stuff gave me really good feeling. Bought 2 types of weed and an edible, each of them is high quality!don’t miss the oppurtunity if you hit the town!
Marina Remo
5 star rating
4 months ago
Best 🚀🚀🚀
ชาติชาย กบเอสเค
5 star rating
4 months ago
โปรโมรชั่นวันนี้ ขอบคุณที่มาอุดหนุนครับ Today's promotion Thank you for coming to support us.
Dima Sheremetev
5 star rating
4 months ago
Excellent store, and most importantly, very good salespeople in the store. The kindest and most cheerful) respect to you guys (Original) Отличный магазин, а самое главное очень хорошие продавцы в магазине. Самые добрые и веселые) респект вам ребята
Christina Heinz
5 star rating
4 months ago
Very nice service☺️ (Original) Sehr netter Service☺️
5 star rating
4 months ago
Excellent service and very welcoming stuff! They even gave me a discount. 100/100
No Chopping
5 star rating
4 months ago
best place ever in the whole universe ❤️
Sagun Nagar
4 star rating
5 months ago
Very diverse collection of strains. Too many options to choose from, but just like most of the premium cannabis stores in Phuket- it's very expensive.
5 star rating
5 months ago
Nice place to get high
Iman Shazwan
5 star rating
5 months ago
Nice weed Good staff minnie
wideyed wonder
5 star rating
5 months ago
Friendly service with premium buds and the coolest paraphernalia
Роман Пристанский
5 star rating
5 months ago
You can take it by weight, 0.25g 50/50 with tobacco - an excellent joint. Came out 220 baht, I chose the variety myself, they twisted it in front of me (Original) Можно брать на развес, 0.25г 50/50 с табаком - отличный косяк. Вышел 220 бат, сорт сам выбрал, при мне скрутили
cristian di francesco
5 star rating
5 months ago
Only Premium weed, the best in katabeach
5 star rating
6 months ago
Perfect place. But you can't smoke here (Original) Отличное место. Но тут не покуришь
Светлана Цуркан
5 star rating
6 months ago
We welcome everyone to the land of smiles! The store is wonderful, the girl is beautiful, the staff is good, there are a lot of cool accessories for souvenirs. Cupcakes are a real cannon, race (Original) Всех приветствуем в стране улыбок! Магазин прекрасный, девочка красивая, Стафф хороший, много прикольных аксессуаров на сувениры. Кексы прям пушка, гонка
Sutham Surarit
5 star rating
7 months ago
It's good. Please tell others. Please come and support us. Thank you. (Original) ของมันดีบอกต่อค้าบช่วยมาอุดหนุนด้วยน่ะค้างขอบคุณค้าบ
Egor Kaptsov
5 star rating
7 months ago
There cool
ปฏิภาณ์ ตาเปี่ยว
5 star rating
7 months ago
The staff are good and welcoming. Moreover, the price is cheap. Please come and help support us. (Original) พนักงานดีต้อนรับดีอีกอย่างราคาถูกค้าบโปรดมาช่วยอุดหนุนหน่อยนะค้าบ
M 1 c k y y
5 star rating
7 months ago
I will come back at least every day, God bless you all ❤️ (Original) Я буду возвращаться хоть каждый день , дай бог вам здоровья всем ❤️
แตง โมบาย
5 star rating
7 months ago
Good quality products Friendly staff Polite and polite ☺️☺️ (Original) สิ้นค้าเกรดดีมีคุณภาพ พนักงานเป็นกันเอง สุภาพเรียบร้อย☺️☺️
Jasper Crownguard
5 star rating
7 months ago
Get your Buds here @EXTIX. Amazing customer service, especially to Meen. 😊
อานา รีน่า
5 star rating
7 months ago
Very drunk (Original) เมามาก
Дрон Туапсе
5 star rating
7 months ago
Great place ! Great prices!
Алексей Следнев
5 star rating
7 months ago
Cool place fun nice everything cool (Original) Классное заведение весело приятно все круто
Dmitrii Shamanov
5 star rating
7 months ago
Great store with great service (Original) Отличный магазин с шикарным уровнем сервиса
Павел Шустов
5 star rating
7 months ago
Great store, top notch service! (Original) Отличный магазин, сервис на высшем уровне!
Антон Терлецкий
5 star rating
7 months ago
Friendly seller 👌👍🏻 (Original) Приветливый продавец 👌👍🏻
Major Gri
5 star rating
7 months ago
Staff-man are perfect
Tewit Boriboonchaisiri
5 star rating
8 months ago
This is one of the island's top cannabis shops. The pricing is one price for all cannabis varieties, making it easy to choose based on your preferences rather than price considerations. It's affordable too. Give it a try! 🙏🏻



RUNFARM Cannabis Shop kata - Karon
RUNFARM Cannabis Shop kata - Karon
5.0 ( 237 评论 )
0.02 km
Happyman Botanics Cafe
Happyman Botanics Cafe
4.8 ( 39 评论 )
0.05 km
Northlight Kata
Northlight Kata
( no reviews )
0.06 km
El Weed Kata
El Weed Kata
4.7 ( 23 评论 )
0.07 km
Trixie Cannabis
Trixie Cannabis
4.7 ( 3 评论 )
0.07 km
4.3 ( 3 评论 )
0.11 km
HIGH Andaman Cannabis Shop4
HIGH Andaman Cannabis Shop4
5.0 ( 2 评论 )
0.16 km
Inbloom Cannabis Cafe - ( Kata Dispensary )
Inbloom Cannabis Cafe - ( Kata Dispensary )
5.0 ( 52 评论 )
0.17 km
Phuket SoHigh
Phuket SoHigh
5.0 ( 7 评论 )
0.19 km
HappyTime - Kata Phuket
HappyTime - Kata Phuket
5.0 ( 8 评论 )
0.21 km
GANJA FLY Dispensary
5.0 ( 8 评论 )
0.24 km
Craft Cannabis
5.0 ( 7 评论 )
0.30 km
Ska Bar & Kata seafood Restaurant
4.4 ( 1052 评论 )
0.37 km
Good Kush Bar
( no reviews )
0.54 km
5.0 ( 23 评论 )
0.60 km
Always Supreme Quality (ASQ) 的团队与 WEED.TH 合作,为您带来泰国最大的免费大麻平台。
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