Not for the first time I've noticed the similarities between Brextards/Trumpers and the unhinged campus woke-scolds on the far Left. When are you shaving one half of your head and dying your armpit hair pink?
All the usual lines, I see. What specifically have we been spared from as a result of not being in the EU and/or single market? Any economic downturn across the continent affects us whether or not we're in EU or not-- that's how economic contagion works, and the EU is by far our biggest trading partner and will and would have remained so under any form of Brexit you could imagine. All that's happened is there's now a bunch of extra red tape and checks and barriers impeding the flow of goods & services that just hamstrung the economy and made everyone poorer for *no fucking reason*. Get the *slightest clue* of what you're talking about before forming opinions on things ffs
any analysis concluding that Brexit was anything less than the biggest national embarrassment since the Suez crisis and an economic catastrophe are utterly deluded.
*Edit: lol @ the absolute state of the replies already rolling in here 😂
Throughout the years of being helplessly depressed in the post-2016 era watching my country shit its pants and turn itself into a clown car, I *never* thought I'd see the x rate over 45 again. The UK's economy is still ~5% smaller because of Brexit, and we continue to hemorrhage about £40 billion a year in lost trade-- it will take years to recover from what those idiots did-- but having a serious PM and cabinet for the first time in almost a decade and not having to watch those retarded adult toddlers vandalise my country is the most positive thing to happen for a long time.
The political game now will be to slowly forge back pragmatic ties with our nearest neighbours while not actually mentioning anything beginning with Eur.. or Brex... in case the hordes of slavering fucking window-lickers that still think, in 2024, that Brexit has been a net positive, rise out of their box again and start screeching... god forbid
yeah agreed. made no sense at all. If you were poor/middle income then that sum of money was unjustifiable (better to bounce out the country / ed / tourist visas); if you were rich then better to go the path of setting up business/corporate visas with shell companies etc. No idea who'd be dumb enough to actually pay it